Website Update v3

Written by Rich Steedman

Good Evening

If you’re a regular visitor to our website you may have noticed we’ve had a bit of a refresh, we have embraced the space theme fully in this third version of our website. “Why did we go for a space theme?” you may ask, well the answer to that is we decided to build our brand around our business name, that and we love space. This may also lead you on to the question “where did you come up with the name Brass Comet?” and that is a very good question, if you find out could you let me know?.

Updating your website

Keeping your businesses website up to date is crucial, as your business grows, develops and you refine your services you will want to update your website accordingly to properly showcase these new adaptations. Pushing these updates onto your existing site often looks a bit unconsidered and messy, it’s often better to step back and redesign from the ground up with the full picture, whether this be done in small chunks or a complete revamp of the whole website. This allows you to better display and promote your products or services which will result in more conversions.

Website first impressions

For us our own website is also our first portfolio piece, and our updated third version is a more recent representation of how we have developed our skills as developers and designers in addition to updating our services and content. We have always wanted our brand to stand out from your typical web designer’s website, and as such we have styled our site according, opting for a darker minimalist theme with intricate vectors revolving using space imagery (see astronaut below).

Some of the main areas we developed from our previous version of the site to this one include our blog and portfolio, the most recent of each of these is now displayed on our homepage (example below).

Our blog posts (such as the one you’re reading) have had a bit of a refresh, making them clearer and punchier. The site is built in wordpress, which is the most widely used content management systems available and one of the most flexible, we have a blog post on why you may wish to use wordpress for your website.

Our portfolio has now been developed in such a way that it is filterable, meaning users can select whether they wish to see our web design projects, our marketing campaigns, or our design portfolio, this was functionality the previous website did not have. Each individual portfolio page has information about the site and also displays elements from the website including an example of how the site is mobile optimised (see below for an example).

Version 1 to version 3

Below are images taken from each of our sites revamps, in chronological order.

If you’re worrying that we completely ditched the mountains from version 2, don’t worry you will be happy to know they have found a home on the desktop version of our services page.

Thanks for reading and until next time


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